Thursday, May 9, 2013

How to get to Fort San Pedro Cebu and Plaza Independencia


Was in the area yesterday, so I thought I might as well check it out for the second time around after seven years.

Seven years, yes, back when I was still doing the Korean language school thingy. 

So okay... 

Here we go!

Fuerza de San Pedro widely known as the Fort San Pedro is a military defence structure, built by Spanish and indigenous Cebuano labourers under the command of Spanish conquistadorMiguel López de Legazpi and the Spanish Government in Cebu. It is located right next to Pier 1 of Cebu, just across Plaza Independencia.

Fort San Pedro is the smallest and oldest triangular bastion fort in the country which was built in 1738 to repel Muslim raiders. It served as the nucleus of the first Spanish settlement in the Philippines.

Tara na...

Let's go back in time...

Getting ready

No need to bring much...  Just wear light, bring your camera, a bottled water and you are good to go.

How to get there

Fort San Pedro is close to the pier area of Cebu City, so depending on where you are coming from, take a jeepney going to Colon St. ( almost all Cebu City jeepneys pass by Colon St. so you need not to worry. Just tell the driver to drop you off at the street itself.)

Colon St. - The oldest street in the Philippines

Once in Colon, look for jeepneys plying for Plaza Indepencia or Piers 1 - 2 - 3. All these jeepneys will pass by close to the site. The closest Pier is Pier 1, and you wouldn't miss the place because of a large landmark which is the Plaza Independencia.

Plaza Independencia

Jeepneys to take


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Again, if you you are not familiar of the place, ask the jeepney driver to drop you off at Pier 1 or Plaza Independencia.


You can also take a taxi going there, but the site is just very close and very easy to find so I wouldn't really recommend taking one. If you however really are not familiar with the place then go right on with the taxi.


Fort San Pedro Entrance Fee = Php. 30.00 only (With free guided tour already)

Jeepney fare = Php. 7.50

Taxi Fare = Php. 70 + - depending on where you are coming from in the city

What to see

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