Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to get to Bantayan Island Cebu, Philippines

Here we go again!


Yup! It's one of the places you shouldn't miss to visit whenever you are in Cebu. People would compare it to Panglao Island in Bohol or even to the well known Boracay, but it's not. It has it's own beauty and it's being under-developed makes it a perfect place  to get away...

What's in the Island

Season affects everything in the island. When it's summer, the island gets a crowd most especially in the Lenten - Easter days because of some activities set around the island. In the regular days, things get to move back to a slow. You wouldn't miss to see some Koreans enjoying the beach and some westerners cranking those scooters for rent of course.

The Island is best known for the hospitality of it's people and it's white powdery beaches. Other than these, if your expecting for something else, there is non. All activities are on the beaches, so have your selves ready to get wet, wild and tanned.

Getting there

1. Starting Point

 From any part of Cebu, get a Jeepney or a Taxi to the North Bus Terminal (NBT).

Note: if you are familiar with the area of the bus terminal you may opt to go for a Jeepney, but if you are not, I would suggest that you take the taxi for convenience of travel.

2. Arrival at North Bus Terminal (NBT)

Arrival to the bus terminal can be a crazy chaotic thing if you are not familiar with the hows and whats in  the terminal. There will be so many people going after you(asking you where you'll be going), so make sure to keep your cool, STOP,THINK, and LOOK for the buses with HAGNAYA signboards in front.

There are two main bus companies plying for the route to Hagnaya where you'll have to board the ferry boat going to the island, the Ceres Bus Liners and the Cebu Auto Bus. You may choose for any of the two, but I prefer taking the Ceres Bus. 

*Bus Fare : Php 100.00 +  (Less than Php 150)

Travel Time : 3-4 hours (depending on traffic)

3. Arrival at Hagnaya Port

HAGNAYA Port is not that big, so you surely wont have problems through there. Get a ticket to the ticket both and you are on your way to the getaway island.

*Ferry Ticket : Php 100.00 (+-)
*Ferry Boats travel almost every 2 hours depending on the volume of passengers.
* Travel Time : 1+ hours

4.  Arrival at Sta. Fe, Bantayan Port 

Upon arrival, you will be met with locals who would offer to take you to different resorts. If you have no idea where to go, you don't have to worry. There are so many resorts just right next to the port. Again, STOP and THINK before you decide. 

If you decide to check out the different resorts aligned just right next to the port, you may take there primary slow mode of transportation, the Trisikad waiting just outside of the port terminal. 

Trisikad fare : Php 10.00 + 

5. Beach Resorts

Beach resorts in the area vary from the expensive ones to the cheap ones. 

*I suggest you check  these resorts first before going anywhere. 
*The not so cheap but worth checking

iTravelskiks recommends: that you do an advance reservation to your desired resort as most of these great cheap resorts get fully booked most of the times. 

Average Room Rates: Php 1,500 - 2,500

6. Things you can do 

  • Enjoy the beach yeah!
  • Go snorkeling, island hopping to the white island 

  • Rent a motorbike/scooter and ride along with your friends to historical some historical sites.

Rentals: Motorbike/Scooter  = Php 300.00 - 350.00 24hrs (Bring anywhere,anytime)

  • Eat eat eat eat eat...

Have questions?  Ask it here through comments or e-mail me :


1 comment:

  1. very helpful tips! Doing some research for our trip to Bantayan next week. Glad to find your blog. :)
